I've been collecting this list for a while and I'm so excited to hand it over to you. I know there are a million voices out there shouting testimonials about products that have changed their lives for the better and convincing you that you need them to! While those are certainly useful and have led me to discover some really cool products,
that's not what this is.
I like to pretend that you and I are best friends and when I find something that I love, I am always sure to tell my best friends, that's just part of being a female right? God hard-wired us to naturally share the things that we love with each other; to bring Himself glory and to make things more fun for us!

Speaking of sharing what we love, I have to start with this:
My salvation in Jesus Christ is my only hope and my faith in HIM alone is my most treasured "possession."
Second to my faith, I cherish my marriage to Andrew Daniel and I hold dearly (and sometimes too tightly) the four children that God has called us to raise together.
Knowing who I am IN CHRIST has completely changed my life from the inside out and if you haven't experienced that change, let's chat! Please, reach out! I'm serious. Call me, text me, e-mail me, DM me, IM me, hit me up on the MP, FB message me, send a fax, send me a post-card via snail mail, or just click here.
Now that I got that off my chest, you can skim/read the rest of the list without worrying about me pressuring you into anything at all! Equipping Arrows is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by or in any way officially connected with these products, writers, artists, or companies. I've included links in the post for your convenience, I don't get anything if you do or don't follow them.
You can scroll through to see music & podcasts, bible study tools, homeschool fave's, and misc. must-haves.
Music has always been a huge part of my life and played a major role in how God speaks to me and how I respond in worship. I keep my favorite songs readily available on this Spotify playlist and update it often! Feel free to click it, play it, like it, download it, or just look it over for inspiration.
I love a good podcast! I can listen in my headphones while I do a million other things. There are SO many good ones out there but considering my opportunities for listening time are far and few between, I'm pretty selective. Here are my go-to's:
Bible Study tools
(None of these resources are required for studying your bible, many times books and resources can actually distract us from hearing God's word but these are a few of my favorite and very basic resources. I'll be previewing some of them in more detail as we walk through some hands-on tools and how-to's in a coming blog series)
Systematic Theology : This book was given to me as a gift. Well, I won it in a leadership training and I thought it was a joke. The book is huge and I thought that the instructor was making fun of me for raising my hand so fast to answer the question by giving me a gag gift. It collected dust for a few months until under the guidance of my mentor, I started digging into God's word for myself and I learned very quickly that this resource was no joke. It quickly became one of my favorite treasures on this side of heaven.
Strong's Concordance : (The edition that is linked isn't the newest edition but it is the edition that I own so... there ya go.) This is the most widely used Bible concordance ever compiled. It is available in online format through many apps and websites (included the next resource listed) but I have confessed to you many times, my adoration for pen & pencil style studying so I had to get the book copy. I'll be teaching you how to use this AND the online resource (which is completely free) in the coming blog series.
Blue Letter Bible : This is SUCH a cool website (& now app!) It is completely free & you can access the bible in multiple translations, versions, and even download some of them for offline studying. You can also access Strong's concordance as well as several others and so many helpful commentaries.
Bible timeline website : I stumbled across this interactive website a few years ago and quickly fell in love, one rabbit trail after another. I could type for hours about how cool and helpful it is (especially for visual learners) but instead of reading my recommendation, just click the link and start learning! Getting a grasp on the order of biblical events is a tricky task but this really helps me to get my bearings.
The Bible Project : I'm so thankful for the blood, sweat, and tears that have been poured into this ministry. This website has a deep and vast collection of resources, videos, posters, articles, etc. on the Bible. It's aesthetically pleasing and they pride themselves on the content being straight-forward and easy to understand. I also follow them on youtube because their videos are so useful and packed full of information, I view them over and over again.
Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin : This book changed my view of scripture and God used this book to transform my heart and the posture of my heart as I approach God's word. I have since then, read almost every single Jen Wilkin book and completed most of her studies. I consider her a personal mentor of mine and if I ever get the chance to meet her, I'll be sure to tell her!
+ A good journal with lined paper
+ Bible highlighters for real, they don't bleed through!
You can read more about the curriculum we use on this post.
Printer: I can't imagine my homeschool life without "Betsy the Boss," she's awesome!
Laptop for the kids : We have one google chrome book and I didn't link it because supply and demand has the prices through the roof right now and honestly, we bought a refurbished one from best buy. We got a very basic model, and tried to spend very little money because, well, kids.
Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s heart : I grab this devotional as I'm wrapping up my bible time on weekdays, right before my kids join me in the mornings. Regardless of what I'm studying in my bible, this quick read, challenges my heart and encourages me to interact with my kids in a manner that leads them to Christ. (I tend to need this reminder on a daily basis) It's a 31 day devotion but I have just read it over and over, making short notes on the "journal prompts" each day.
Misc. Must-Shares
Give me all the Elderberry Syrup, Coconut Oil + Essential Oils.
I drink my coffee black, so I refuse to drink bad coffee. My favorite coffee is Mr. Peet's Major Dickason blend.
I love to shop for clothes at Altar'd State but more frequently, I shop for food at Aldi + Sprouts.
I create most of my visuals using Canva.org and do it all from my iphone or macbook air
Parenting by Paul David Tripp: this book changed my parenting, yes. But first, it changed the way that I viewed my Heavenly Father and deepened my understanding of the Gospel.
Small businesses that I love:
Hope Lauren Creative : I connected with Hope in the very beginning stages of creating Equipping Arrows. I had no idea how much I had hit the jack pot in more ways than one. She quickly became a dear friend who God has used to speak life over this project but I quickly got to know her as an amazing photographer, web-designer, and creative-partner. Her talent is all over this website and the professional pictures taken for Equipping Arrows. If you need someone to help with any of those types of things, check her out!
The Cookie Crate : Moving away from my close friends and living far from my family has always made it hard for me to care for them through important life events or "just because." It was a huge blessing to me when one of my friends in Johnson City, TN started baking delicious cookies and crafted a business to ship them all over the United States. With personal notes, precious packaging, and out of this world flavor, I LOVE sending cookie crates to my people (or myself, when needed!)
True Vine Soap : I have dreamed about making my own soap for years and I'm still waiting for the time to make that dream come true. Meanwhile, I still don't want to bathe my family with unsafe ingredients. I am thankful to have my soap shipped to me when needed from Sarah at True Vine Soap Company and the fact that they smell and look amazing just adds
If you're a new friend, feel free to reach out and say Heyyyyyyyy! Or read more about me here! I'm so glad you're here!