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John - Spring Study '22

Writer's picture: Amber DanielAmber Daniel

Happy Spring Ya'll!!

I'm so excited to dig into the book of John alongside you this spring! On this page, you will find all of the resources you will need for the 5 week study.

Download the reading plan to save on your phone as an image or print it as a PDF and keep with your bible. We'll be doing the study together from March 31 - May 5 but the study is divided into 2 parts with even smaller categories along the way so feel free to jump in at any point. The reading plan is dated so you'll be able to keep track easily. The memory passage for the study is John 15:1-11. (Don't freak out, I know that's a lot! But we have 5 weeks and you can do hard things!) We'll work together on this! My plan is to pace myself at memorizing 3 verses a week. Here's a pretty Lock screen for you to save to your phone!

Next resource: the Character Study printable! Print 3 copies and read over it completely before you start trying to fill it in. You'll be collecting the answers to the first 6 questions as you read each passage. Some of the answers are obvious and others you'll have to hunt for. Once you've read the passages and gathered as much of the information as you can, answer the reflection questions on page two.

I wrote a discussion guide for you to use with your friends. It's super simple and hopefully it's just the boost of confidence you need to invite a friend to study the same passages and then text or talk about what you're learning. Many of you have shared with me that you are meeting with a friend or a few friends to study together and I know several of you are leading your small groups through these studies! It is both a joy and an honor that you would be so encouraged by God's word to bring others alongside you in your study!

*Bonus resource* As the supportive husband that he is, Andrew has participated in every study that I have put together for Equipping Arrows. He is not on social media but gets the emails, he reads the blogs, and follows the reading plans. It's very important to both of us to study the word of God daily and it's always an added bonus to our marriage when we are studying the same thing. This morning when I asked him if he had printed out the reading plan to start today, he hesitated and then smiled. Turns out, he has some standards for his "printables" and the ones for this study were just too frilly for him. He assured me that he still planned to read along with me but he wasn't thrilled to print the resources. That made me sad and after realizing I had a few extra minutes this morning to make adjustments, I got to work! I quickly emailed him his own "manly" set of printable resources, and figured I might as well share it here as well!


You're all set! Grab your Bible, favorite pen, a friend or two and dig in Sister! Let me know how you're doing when you get a chance! I'd love to hear from you! xo- Amber

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